Italia News 15 Febbraio 2014 di Marco De Palma Renzi e la sinistra Pd, Civati e Cuperlo hanno il maldipancia C’è maretta nel Pd dopo l’accelerata di Matteo Renzi. Pippo Civati e i leftist hanno il maldipancia, lo stesso Civati ha inorizzato sul fatto che Renzi avrà come alleato Ncd in Senato potrà anche fare a meno di una decina di democrats. Si muove anche l’area Cuperlo, Fassina e i giovani turchi preparano un controagenda sul welfare e temi economici, mentre si attende il risultato incerto delle Regionali in Sardegna. Chiusura totale dalla sinistra vendoliana, che non parteciperà al Governo e smentisce lo scouting renziano dentro SeL. civati cuperlo governo
Mondo News 11 Febbraio 2013 di Roberto Santoro Italy vs. Obama? Sure, Italy is far away, its politics are a circus, and its economy a mess. But in Afghanistan, we still matter. For now. (Tratto da American Enterprise Institute) afghanistan beppe grillo bersani
Italia News 08 Luglio 2011 di Thomas McMahon The state of the Italian left According to a Demos poll of the 27th June, Nichi Vendola, governor of Puglia and leader of Sinistra Ecologia e Liberta, has the highest favourable ratings among the leaders of Italy’s political parties. Vendola is trusted by 41% of Italians, while Berlusconi languishes on 26%, one point behind his coalition partner Bossi. The same poll found that 52% of Italians now expected a victory for the left in the next elections, whereas in December 60% expected a win for the right. bersani italy left
Inside Italy News 28 Marzo 2011 di Andrea Holzer What’s wrong with Berlusconi It isn’t exactly easy to understand what’s going on in Italian politics right now. Berlusconi’s no saint, that’s for sure. There is, however, a struggle for power going on in our country now: Berlusconi’s enemies are using every weapon at their disposal to make sure his legacy will be terminated as soon as possible. The reality of course tells the same old story: the "Italian Left" is trying to push him out of office. (tratto da Hudson New York) berlusconi government left
Inside Italy News 08 Giugno 2009 di Andrea Holzer The European Elections: a big defeat for politics and politicians History is repeating itself: during the year of the global economic crisis, the left is sinking almost everywhere in Europe. The Labors parties in Great Britain have suffered the biggest defeat since 1918. Even in Germany the SPD lost badly scoring 20.8%, a new negative record. In France, Sarkozy’s coalition overwhelmed the socialists (28% against 16.48%), even though the great winner here is the Green Party (16.28%). In Italy (the biggest turnout here) Silvio Berlusconi’s Freedom Party got 34.9 % with the Democratic Party being stuck at 25%. It is a victory, yes, but the expectations were higher. berlusconi elections europe