Inside Italy News 23 Marzo 2014 di Andrea Holzer New Italian Prime Minister Cuts Military Spending Amidst Chaos Italy’s new Minister of Defense – Mrs. Roberta Pinotti – decided that announcing an imminent cut in military spending was somehow the right thing to do in the immediate aftermath of Putin’s annexation of the Crimean peninsula and right after the explosion of the Ukrainian crisis. cuts F-35 italy
Inside Italy News 03 Febbraio 2014 di Andrea Holzer Does the future of the Euro really depend on the Italians? Italy’s economy is slowly getting back on track. Or at least, this is what the organization representing Italian manufacturing and services companies declares. According to the latest Confindustria estimate, in fact, Italy industrial production is up 1.2% with respect to last year’s performance. economy euro European Central Bank
Inside Italy News 22 Gennaio 2014 di Andrea Holzer Smoking Kills British People, Mr Oborne. And THIS is Vandalism In his article “The smoking ban killed the British pub. This vandalism is Labour’s defining legacy”, published on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, Mr. Peter Oborne – who’s the Daily Telegraph’s chief political commentator – accuses the Labour Party for having literally destroyed the “institution” of the English Pub with the recent introduction of the smoking ban. No, I’m not a big fan of the Labour Party, but one must give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Imposing a ban on smoking cannot be a bad thing. conservatori divieto fumo
Inside Italy News 20 Gennaio 2014 di Andrea Holzer Freedom of speech is dying a slow and painful death Last year, on December the 19th, at the Hunt-Jackson Elementary School in Temecula – California – cute little six year-old Brynn Williams was forced to shut up and sit down while attempting to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in front of her classmates during her Christmas presentation. libertà di parola scuola Stati Uniti
Mondo News 10 Gennaio 2014 di Andrea Holzer On gay marriage & the freedom of speech In modern politically-correct terms arguing against gay marriage has undeniably become a no-go area in certain political environments, and that is why once can come to this rather unpopular conclusion according to which one should be, instead, entitled to argue against gay marriage: precisely because someone is shouting out loud that you shouldn’t be entitled to do this. italia libertà di parola matrimoni gay
Mondo News 22 Ottobre 2013 di Andrea Holzer Come e perché Obama ha soffocato i Tea Party Contrariamente a quanto riportato dalla stragrande maggioranza dei media Statunitensi, nel corso degli ultimi due anni, una quarantina d’organizzazioni politiche dell’area Tea Party sarebbero state ingiustamente inibite dal conseguire lo status di organizzazione no-profit dall’IRS, su suggerimento diretto di Barack Obama. Stando a quanto afferma Jay Sekulow, dell’American Centre for Law and Justice, Obama avrebbe volontariamente utilizzato l’IRS per soffocare sul nascere qualsiasi tentativo di opposizione democratica al suo governo. america irs obama
Mondo News 09 Maggio 2012 di Andrea Holzer L’amara verità è che gli europei senza gli americani sono spacciati Noi europei siamo stati senza americani per cinquant’anni e siamo riusciti nell’impresa di impiccarci da soli con questa stupida storia dell’Europa Unita. Il nostro caro Vecchio Continente, sotto la nostra guida, ne ha viste succedere di tutti colori, e alla fine siamo riusciti a ricacciarci nei guai. Aspettando che gli Stati Uniti ci salvino ancora una volta. america austerità dollaro
Mondo News 23 Novembre 2011 di Andrea Holzer Il Soft Power obamiano fallisce di fronte al nucleare dell’Iran L’approccio obamiano al problema del nucleare iraniano non sta funzionando: Il Soft Power è nulla senza l’Hard Power. Eppure la "Superdiplomazia" descritta da Parag Khanna – consigliere preferito di Obama- avrebbe dovuto funzionare molto bene in luogo del presunto unilateralismo degli odiati neoconservatori di Bush. Ma, da quando Obama è diventato presidente degli USA sono spariti anche gli americani, nel momento più inopportuno possibile. bush iran khanna
Inside Italy News 19 Novembre 2011 di Andrea Holzer Now Who’s Mario Monti? The newly formed government of Mario Monti has just received the green light from 281 Italian senators over 306. It is a new record of its sort. Our new Premier should have no problems at winning parliamentary approval also in the Lower House. Yesterday however, another Italian named Mario (Draghi) – the newly appointed president of the ECB – has warned Europeans leaders on the severity of the present financial crisis and called for a much more “robust economic governance” to be adopted at a continental level. berlusconi draghi ecb