The strange case of John Miller and Donald Trump
15 Maggio 2016
Who is John Miller? A Washington Post article saying Donald Trump gave interviews while posing as a spokesman, sometimes named John Miller (or John Barron).
The WP has surfaced a tape of one of those conversations, which took place in 1991 with Sue Carswell, then a reporter for People magazine.
According to Associated Press, the voice on the phone describes Trump as irresistible to women. “He gets called by everybody in the book, in terms of women,” says the voice.
Miller (or Trump?) said Madonna “wanted to go out with him” and “came in a beautiful evening gown and combat boots” to hang out with Trump at the Plaza Hotel, which he owned.
“He’s got zero interest that night,” said the man known as Miller, apparently meaning they did not have sex. Trump’s marriage to Ivana Trump was ending that year.
Trump was with Marla Maples, who would become his second wife. He was also seeing three other women, said the “spokesman,” including model Carla Bruni.
On NBC’s “Today” show Friday, Donald Trump denied being the voice on the phone. He says: “I don’t know anything about it”. “It doesn’t sound like me on the phone, I will tell you that. And it was not me on the phone,” Donald said on the Today show.
The Washington Post says it was actually Trump, posing as his own spokesman on the phone with a reporter who wondered why Miller’s voice sounded so familiar.
Trump also testified in a 1990 court case that “I believe on occasion I used that name.” He also went by the name John Barron at times, according Post.
From New York Times to Washington Post, liberals media investigate every aspect of Donald Trump’s life, hoping to find something of wrong on the GOP front runner. But where are the reporters to investigate the scandals around Hillary Clinton?