Yepsen: “I doubt we’ll see a Clinton-Obama Ticket”

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Yepsen: “I doubt we’ll see a Clinton-Obama Ticket”

09 Agosto 2007

Interview with David Yepsen, political columnist, Des Moines Register

Do you think that the tussle between Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton could mark a turning point in the process for the nomination of
the Democratic presidential candidate?

“We don’t know for sure but I don’t think it will be a big turning
point. It was an important news event but I don’t know that it changed many
You recently wrote that as Clinton and Obama trade
shots, rivals benefit. Why?

“In a multi-candidate race like this, if two candidates start mixing it
up, they can turn people off or push them towards one of the other candidates
in the contest”.
Many say that Clinton vs Obama highlight a competition
between experience and will of change. A perfect mix for a presidential ticket,
isn’t it?

“I doubt we’ll see a Clinton-Obama ticket. I don’t think the two get
along personally. If either were the nominee, I would expect they’d look
elsewhere for a running mate first. Only if the nomination race were so close
and so divisive that it was needed for party unity – as happened when John
Kennedy picked Lyndon Johnson in 1960 – might you see a ticket like this”.

Unless the national mood changes in the next months,
Democrats will have a large advantage in attracting independent voters. The GOP
can reverse this trend?

“It will be hard for Republicans to reverse this. The country is in a
bad mood and I don’t see that changing any time soon. If Democrats have a nasty
fight for the nomination it might help the Republican. Also, if the troops are
starting to come home in November, 2008, perhaps voters will feel better”.

Which candidate have impressed you the most, up to
now, especially in their electoral tour in Iowa?

“Romney and Obama. Romney has run a very good, disciplined campaign. Obama’s crowds are